
Retaining Walls

Temporary or Permanent
For basements, pools, lift-wells, cellars & site cuts


Low vibration areas can be serviced with steel H beam “soldier” posts and treated pine sleepers.
The post hole is pre-drilled and the H beam pushed down as far as possible.
If further depth is required, small one second bursts of vibration are applied.
The sleepers are loaded into the H beams and pushed down as the soil is removed from the front of the wall.


Steel sheet piles are hammered with a vibratory hammer carried by a 2.5m wide 20t excavator.Retaining-Walls-Low-Vibration
Vibration is minimized by pre-drilling the sheet location and a Seismic monitor and alarm are attached to nearby structures to warn of high vibration levels.


Small Jobs Are Now Affordable !
$550 site establishment and removal charge for a sheet piling rig on the Sunshine Coast.
That’s all it costs for our narrow 2.5m wide 20t excavator rig.
Contact Us for more info ….




This 1100t crane and load is balanced on 4 concrete pads that are sitting on screw piles down 12m through soft soil onto the sandstone below.

The load is a 82m long, 184t bridge beam.

The concrete pads were monitored by a surveyor for settlement during the lift and none was recorded.

Q-Pile was commissioned to urgently design and install the pads and piers.

This was achieved within 6 days from the initial phone call to the completion of the concrete pour.

We had fantastic assistance from Russell Heale Engineering and Rymark Engineers, together with on-site assistance from the project team’s welders and concreters.

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Deep piers for a 10 level building in Ann St, Brisbane

Early in 2008, Q-Pile was contracted to drill deep piers for a 10 level building in Ann St, Brisbane.

Holes up to 6.0m deep and from 600 to 1000 mm in diameter were drilled into a siltstone material using a continuous flight auger driven by a 50 kNm planetary drive unit mounted on a 30t excavator.

On hand was our maintenance van with welding facilities for hardfacing the auger flights and for removing and replacing auger teeth.

Support excavators were on hand to remove the spoil and construct pads for the drilling excavator to work from.

Contact Us for more info ….




2000 kN (200t) capacity screw piles

Q-Pile takes delivery of a new and faster drive unit that is capable of installing 200t capacity piles.

This unit is coupled with Australia’s first 200 kNm electronic load cell which accurately monitors the installation torque which is the indicator of the pile’s load capacity.

This unit will twist up and snap a 273mm diameter pile of 6.4mm thickness with ease!

Contact Us for more info ….